Minus three degrees. Snow everywhere. Pathways frozen. No, this is not Antarctica: this is London during a February weather-break-down. Yet, a little snow doesn’t stop a true Chelsea girl from venturing out to the shops on King’s Road. But what does one wear? One thing is certain: heels simply can’t be swapped for slide resistant wellies – no one wants to be seen sluggish; not even when the weather brings the whole of London transport to a standstill.
I knew I was destined to break an ankle, or at least fall on my backside, but surprisingly neither happened. The heels, similar to football shoes, functioned like an anchor by piercing into the snow and forming a secure platform to walk on. This even enabled me to walk faster than most people wearing Hunters.
But of course, once I had spotted my friends they were all dressed in snug Ugg boots – nothing can beat comfortableness on a day like this, but only a true Sloane Ranger can pull it off.
Here are some must-have items for the Princess’s of 2009:
Chloe boots